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Image by Cody Board

Spring is here!

Finally, the winter is over, lighter days and nights are upon us, warmer weather starting to creep in, plants and trees are blooming and of course the clocks go forward. I love the spring, it’s my favourite season, seeing all the fresh flowers growing, the trees returning to green and the spring events we have to look forward to, Mother’s Day, Easter, family days out and seeing all the new life in the fields, it just makes me smile.

Springtime means we start to prepare for the upcoming events and treat ourselves to some much-deserved pampering. In salon it’s our time to shine, changing our clients looks to a fresher and softer feel with lighter tones and experimenting with pastels to give that spring like feel, not only with hair but with our hands and feet too.

Here are some of our hints and tips for getting that fresh spring feeling

Spring is here at HQ Hair and its all about pastels

It’s all about the pastels

Springtime is a great time to introduce soft pastel tones to hair, we love creating colours for our clients hair, it gives such a beautiful look and can change the dimension of the style so much, at the moment our favourites are Rose Pinks, Peachy Blonds and Lilac Shadows. This no commitment method is a massive hit in our salon and is a great way for clients to be brave and experiment, knowing that they are not committed to keeping it or keeping up to it is a huge relief. Adding a beautiful pastel pink or a rose gold to lighter blond toned hair can add so much warmth while still being light.

Again, it changes the dimension for those that want to introduce some depth and try out having darker hair for a change. We can also cater for out darker hair clients with deep rich tones like Egg Plant or Chocolate Brown to enhance and give shine.

Milkshake products for great hair treats

Our go to is Milkshake Coloured Whipped Cream Conditioning Foam, means we are able to achieve a variety of shades that will last 1-2 shampoos giving the client that look she’s always fancied but was too nervous to do. We see it quite often, the client is in the chair, she’s ready to be seen and throws in a curve ball at the last second “I fancied some pink or lilac, but I’m too scared, maybe next time” well my motto is “lets do it, you only live once”.

The foam is also available to take home so they can play at home with a range of tones, it’s an amazing product for all to use and for something so small it gives the biggest impact and boost confidence, which is what we do and love every day. If your feeling brave then just go straight in for the toner that will last a lot longer but again, it’s not a permanent fixture, toners do fade out and enable you to play around with different shades, make sure you tell your stylist before your appointment that you’re considering it and they will guide you and allow for the extra time needed on your appointment, we love playing with pastels in spring time, it makes a refreshing change.

Treat your feet!

Milkshake my Skin products

Let’s face it we’ve been in boots and socks most of the winter, so our little toes have been hibernating and only coming out in an emergency. If your anything like me It’s too cold to be wearing open toe shoes for an eve out unless I really have to. But spring means I get to wear my favourite lightweight shoes and make pretty my toes ready to be seen again.

Book yourself a Pedicure, now when I first started my Pedi journey I didn’t like anyone touching my feet for fear of being tickled, but explaining to my beautician the issue, she was able to keep the service nice and firm to avoid discomfort and I’m now a regular every 5 week. It’s amazing how many people won’t do this and are missing out on so much; it can be the most relaxing of experiences and your feet will definitely thank you for it.

Beauticians can also assist with nail issues such as ingrown nails or fungal conditions that may be present and can direct you to the right person for treatment.

One of the things our clients love about having pedicures in salon is there’s no waiting around for polish to dry, although polish has a place, Gel saves you so much time and is so convenient due to it being dry instantly. Knowing you can put your shoes straight on after having them beautifully painted is a dream, there’s not much chance of them chipping, the colour stays brighter and last much longer.

Nails at HQ Hair

Perfectly polished!

Immaculate looking nails can give you confidence to take on the weeks ahead, whether your holding meetings on zoom, pitching that presentation, going out on for a special occasion or simply taking the kids to school, wearing a perfectly polished nail can complete your look. I love seeing my perfectly manicured hands work their magic in salon, it makes it look so much more interesting and professional. Having a Gel Manicure means I’m no longer identifiable as a hairdresser due to the tint-stained colour of my nails lol.

The beauty of having a Gel Manicure is the nail bed stays stronger so you can actually grow your nails, so for those that tend to struggle give it a go, you’ll be pleasantly surprised, they are also protected from the harsh detergents we tend to use daily along with the amount of work we put our hands through constantly.

There are other health benefits involved such as therapeutic relaxation, which is guaranteed when sitting at the manicure station. Being able to relax and enjoy the experience is the reason most of us go to the salon, I for one love having a hand massage at the end of a manicure, I don’t know what it is but it’s so relaxing, I could stay there for hours.

So how do you keep them looking as perfect as when you leave the salon you ask?

Pure nails oil

Life must continue beyond your Manicure or Pedicure (unfortunately), you still need to wash, mop, cook, clean, do DIY, take showers, bath the kids/dogs etc… the list is endless…it’s impossible not to dip your nails in water/ detergents daily and put your nails through it. When you’ve spent your hard earnt cash on your nails you don’t want to see them fade, chip or crack before expected.

To maintain the longevity of the Gel they do need a little aftercare. Dry your hands thoroughly after any contact with water, use a towel to remove any water on your nails and leave them to dry. This will lengthen the lifespan of the Gel. You could try wearing gloves when doing housework- especially when using cleaning products! Or if you can get away with not doing chores even better! (Wishful thinking)

A good diet is key to anything, Protein and Genes play a huge role in your nail’s health. They are the difference between brittle nails and stronger ones. To keep your nails stronger, make sure you supply your body with foods full of proteins and nutrients it needs, also biotin is a great vitamin for healthy hair and nails. Drinking lots of water every day will also help keep Nails, Skin and Hair hydrated.

Our beautician Jess, always recommends cuticle oil and moisturiser to avoid dry, peeling, cracking skin and keeps them looking healthy and lush for weeks.

Having your nails done needs a slight adjustment in how you do your normal daily tasks, but it is a relatively care-free experience. Keeping regular appointments to maintain your nails is the best way to keep them healthy, avoid picking the gel off at all costs as this pulls the nail off the nail bed and causes damage that will stop you being able to continue having Gels until they have healed.

Remember to treat yourself and bring your feet out of hibernation, make sure you enjoy the experience because you deserve it. And don’t be afraid to ask your stylist to experiment with colour especially with pastels, honestly we love it, and will always accept the challenge, be brave and just go for it.

We hope you have an amazing Spring, Mother’s Day, and Easter love the team at HQ Hair


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